dead-set['ded'set]adj. 毫不動搖的;決心的
dead-set 堅定不移的;堅定不移的 決心的;dead-set against 直接針對...的;竭力反對...的;adamantine dead-set unalterable undeviating 堅定不移的;
1.And it remains dead-set against Mr Obama's wish for a public insurance plan that competes with private ones. 奧巴馬想要推行的公共保險計劃仍將受到強烈的阻撓,這一計劃將與私人的保險服務形成競爭。
2.Last year's team was so dead-set on achieving one goal, of which they were successful, that I believe they are spent. 上賽季這球隊為了冠軍不擇手段,他們所做的我覺得是成功的。
3.Those who are dead-set on trying to make themselves agreeable should try to look inspired when they are in the presence of the new guy. 如果有人死心塌地要獻媚,那麼應該在新老闆在場的時候,露出很受鼓舞的樣子。