Entourage HBO 明星夥伴;HBO-Raad 大學聯合會;
1.Objective:To observe the effect of hyperbaric oxygenation(HBO) in treating brain traumatic epilepsy. 目的:觀察高壓氧(HBO)治療對腦外傷性癲癇的治療效果。
2.Compare a significant contemporary series from a major network - The West Wing, say, or Once and Again - with an HBO series such as Six Feet Under or The Sopranos. 將當代某部影響重大的連續劇與某主要電視網的節目進行對比——例如將《白宮群英》(又譯作《白宮風雲》)或《再續前緣》與家庭影院頻道的連續劇(例如《六呎風雲》或《黑道家族》)進行比較。
3.Objective To discuss the apparatus of inspired oxygen in hyperbaric oxygen(HBO)chamber for patients after tracheotomy. 目的:討論氣管切開患者進行高壓氧(HBO)治療時所使用的各種吸氧裝置。
4.Objective:To study the consciousness-promoted effect of hyperbaric oxygen(HBO) and blood magnetic therapy on persistent vegetate state(PVS). 目的探討高壓氧(HBO)並用血液磁極化(血磁)治療對持續性植物狀態(PVS)患者的促醒作用。
5.Only American Beauty, The Sopranos, and HBO amassed more than one win, while some odds-on favorites, such as The Insider and The Talented Mr. Ripley, went home empty-handed. 只有《美國薔薇》、《女高音》和HBO公司獲得了兩項以上的獎項,而一些原本獲獎呼聲很高的影片,如《局內人》和《天才的裡普雷先生》等則空手而歸。