laryngology[,læriŋ'ɡɔlədʒi]n. 喉科學
laryngology 喉科學;喉科;Pediatric Sub I laryngology 兒科I喉科學;JOURNAL OF LARYNGOLOGY AND OTOLOGY 喉科學和耳科學雜誌;耳喉科學雜誌》(目錄與摘要);invasion leech from otorhino-laryngology 釋義:耳鼻咽喉部的水蛭侵入;International Journal of Pediatric Otorhino-laryngology 國際小兒耳鼻喉科學雜誌》;
1.Benign tumour of larynx is a commonly encountered disease in laryngology, such as papilloma of larynx, leukoplakia of larynx, and granuloma of vocal fold. 喉乳頭狀瘤、聲帶白斑、聲帶肉芽腫作為喉良性腫瘤是喉科的常見病,西醫多以手術治療為主,術後復發率較高。
2.To draw an outline of Xin an Zheng′s Laryngology and preliminarily explore its academic experience according to medical works, medical records and other manuscripts. 根據醫著、醫案、譜牒等文獻資料,勾勒新安鄭氏喉科醫學的總體輪廓,初步探析鄭氏喉科學術經驗。
3.Methods A German type ATMOSⅡ laryngo stroboscope was used in vocal surgery for 531 cases of vocal polyp, 139 of vocal nodule and 22 of vocal cyst in laryngology clinic. 方法用德國ATMOSⅡ型動態喉鏡對喉科臨床聲帶息肉531例、聲帶小結139例、聲帶囊腫22例進行聲帶顯微手術。