underglaze['ʌndəɡleiz]adj. 釉底的;用於上釉之前的n. 釉下彩
underglaze 釉下彩;(釉下),;釉下彩 文康體育;underglaze red 釉底紅;釉裡紅;underglaze color 釉底顏料;underglaze painting 釉下彩;underglaze pigments 釉底顏料;
1.The TongGuan kilns were successful in producing a red colour also, laying the foundation for later underglaze red porcelain. 還成功地燒出了紅色,為以後釉裡紅瓷的燒造打下了良好的基礎。
2.Glazed, ceramic underglaze color on the surface looks smooth, shiny glass, touch no obvious Ao Tugan, observe the surface of non-rugged products. 釉中彩、釉下彩陶瓷的表面看起來很平滑,有玻璃光澤,用手摸無明顯凹凸感,觀察製品表面無高低不平。
3.It is known for imaginative shapes and rich decoration, the decoration often including underglaze brown and green spots produced by iron and copper. 產品以造型多變和裝飾技法豐富著稱於世。所制釉下彩產品,以鐵、銅塗繪飾於器體,燒製成大量褐、綠斑點圖案和狀物圖像的產品。