a. clouded ,overcast ,sunless
1.A resident of the Adirondack Mountains area takes a rest from snowshoeing and waits for a view from the cloud-covered summit of Mount Skylight. 居住在阿迪朗達克山區採取了其餘來自雪鞋和等待,以期從雲層覆蓋的山雲天首腦會議。
2.We rode back to my japanese tatami-style house in Meilun Hualian. The Pacific Ocean glistened in the east. Cloud-covered mountains towered high above us to the west. 然後,我們騎車回我居住的日式榻榻米房子,在房子東面有太平洋閃閃的水光,在其西面有雲層環繞的群山聳立其中。
3.The image encompasses most of eastern China, save the northernmost provinces and the cloud-covered southern coast. From north to south, nearly the entire country is covered in snow. 但今年大多數的中國人被困在返鄉之路上:幾乎整個中國都被大雪籠罩著。