extricating['ekstrikeit]vt. 使解脫;解救;使游離
1.I feel I should tell you that from an administrative point of view the difficulties of extricating this force in full are insuperable . 我覺得應該告訴你,從後勤觀點來看,要全部撤出這支部隊有不可克服的困難。
2.If a user is very computer-naive, he might see it as an unconditional panic button for extricating himself from a hopelessly tangled misadventure. 如果用戶是一個計算機盲,他會將撤銷當做一個無條件的應急按鈕,而將自己從 運氣 不佳的混亂遭遇中解脫出來;
3.Extricating his company from this position will take all of Mr. Tata's expertise. Investors in his group's companies face a long wait for him to succeed. 為公司解困將耗用塔塔的所有心思。在他成功之前,塔塔集團各子公司的投資者要面臨漫長的等待。