Asking Favors 幫忙;求助;Silver Wedding Favors 酷鐵;agreement or opinion that strongly favors one side in an argument 偏見;成見;偏心;favors comprehensive sex education 支持全面的性(知識)教育;
1.Northward consumer favors gules department quite, be like tangerine, amaranthine etc, southern consumer criterion relatively favoring white green is; 北方消費者比較偏愛紅色系,如橘紅、紫紅等,南方消費者則較偏愛白綠色系;
2.Commercial bribery usually refers to bribes from companies and often involves a firm paying money to government officials for special favors. 商業行賄一般是指來自公司的賄賂,經常是一家公司付錢給政府官員以獲取特殊待遇。
3.For whom the LORD loves he reproves, and he chastises the son he favors. 因為上主譴責他所愛的,有如父親譴責他的愛子。
4.And I say that it was morally wrong if any of the contributors got special favors for the contributions that they made. 如果現金捐贈者當中的任何一人從捐贈中得到了特殊優惠,那麼,收受這些錢在道德上是錯誤的。
5.Arai, who wears a pink sequined bow on her head and favors miniskirts and knee-high boots. 她頭戴一個粉紅閃光片的蝴蝶結,身著一套迷你裙,腳穿一雙長筒皮靴。
Fortune favors the brave. - 好運總偏袒勇敢的人。