fisabbr. 家庭收入補貼(Family Income Supplement)
FIS Fuzzy Inference System;Factory Information System;Flash Image System;自卑感量表;FIS CHINA 昂振光電子有限公司;Deviled fis 烤碎魚;Fried fis 煎魚;FIS - 家庭收入補貼;定期訂貨制;
1.This question strikes at the very heart of what makes FIs special and important to the economy. 這個問題問到金融中間人的特殊性和經濟重要性的點子上了。
2.Some girls even bring dolls, guitars and their hi-fis, regardless of the amount of space in their dorm. 有的女生甚至帶著布娃娃、吉他、超大的收音機等稀奇古怪的東西,完全不考慮寢室的容量。
3.Such economics of scale of information production and collection tend to enhance the advantages to savers of using FIs rather than directly investing themselves. 這樣的經濟信息收集規模優勢使運用金融中間人進行投資的儲戶比獨立投資的儲戶更勝一籌。