n. khoikhoi ,khoikhoin
hottentotadj. 霍屯督人的n. 霍屯督人;霍屯督人語
Hottentot 霍屯督人;霍登托語〔非洲西南部;霍騰特語;Hottentot languages 霍屯督諸語言;The Hottentot Venus 霍屯都的維納斯;Turnix hottentotta Hottentot Buttonquail 撒哈拉三趾鶉;
1.Nowadays in Cape Town we find important testimonies of these indigenous populations, the Bushmen and Hottentot, in the South African Museum. 在開普敦的南非博物館,我們能找到這些早期土著居民 -- 布什曼人和霍頓托特人 -- 用過的器具。
2.Late that afternoon, Jantje, the little Hottentot herd boy, came up to me and handed me a letter , which he said the English baas had left for me. 那天傍晚,在我和父親動身回家之前,霍但托特族的小牧童詹傑交給我一封信,他說是那位英國老爺留給我的。
3.The city is a rare cultural gem, resulting from the amalgamation of Idonesian, French, Dutch, British and German settlers, the local Bushman and Hottentot tribes and the Bantu tribes from the north. 由於集聚了來自印度尼西亞、法國、荷蘭、英國和德國的移民,及澳洲叢林中的居民和霍屯督人部落,還有從北方來的班圖人部落,這使開普敦這座城市成為一塊文化瑰寶。