





n. business ,caper ,problem ,taskv. farm out ,speculate ,subcontract


jobs[dʒɔbs]n. 工作(job的複數形式)


Jobs 工作;喬布斯;前程無憂;任務;Steve Jobs 喬布斯;史蒂夫·喬布斯;賈伯斯;斯蒂夫·喬布斯;Ideal Jobs 理想職業;Jobs Credit 僱用補貼;僱用補貼計劃;僱傭補貼;僱用補貼計畫;fishing jobs 鑽具打撈工作;打撈作業;


1.What are their jobs? 他們是什麼工作?

2.Three students are talking about their dream jobs. 三個學生在談論他們理想的工作。

3.They need to interview some people and find out if they like their jobs. 他們需要接見一些人並且查明是否他們喜歡他們的工作。


What have you learned from jobs you have held? - 你從以往的工作中學到什麼?

She's worked two jobs for years. - 幾年來他一直同時做兩個工作。

If I move jobs I can increase my salary, my time with the family will be reduced, however. - 如果我換工作的話,薪水會漲,但是我陪家人的時間會減少。

I've mailed off several applications for jobs that interest me. - 我已經寄出了幾份求職材料,應聘我感興趣的職位。

You can hunt for jobs in the newspaper. - 你可以在報紙上尋找工作。

He began to seek jobs in the classified advertisement column in the newspaper. - 他開始從報紙的分類廣告欄找工作。

eat less, find more time to play with the children, do a thousand and one jobs about the house, - 吃得少些;多花點時間與孩子們一起做遊戲;做大量的家務;

What jobs do women do in Britain? - 在英國,婦女們都幹些什麼工作?

Are there any jobs which women don't do? - 有婦女不幹的工作嗎?

You're right. And there are some jobs that men can't do very ell. - 你說得對。有些工作男人幹得不怎麼好。

New jobs are needed because a number of people are out of work. - 因為許多人沒有工作,所以需要為他們提供就業機會。

You have to be able to plan your work so that all your jobs will be finished in time. - 以便你的工作能及時完成。

One of the first jobs when you start work in an office is to learn how to use every piece of equipment. - 你在辦公室開始工作的第一件事就是要學會怎樣使用辦公室裡的每樣設備。

Finding a job is not the same as choosing a job. Many young people end up in a job to which they are not suited. Chance may play a more important part than decision. So here are a few steps to help you think about jobs which you might enjoy doing - 找一個工作不同於選擇一個工作。許多年輕人最終卻干了並不適合他們的工作。"機會可以比"決定起著更重要的作用。所以這裡有幾個步驟,幫助你中學或大學畢業後考慮從事你可能喜歡做的工作。

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