oligodendrocyte['ɔliɡəu'dendrəsait, ə,liɡəu-]n. [生]少突細胞
oligodendrocyte 少突(神經)膠質細胞;少突膠質細胞;少突細胞;突膠質細胞;oligodendrocyte precursor cells OPCs 少突膠質前體細胞;Oligodendrocyte precursor cell 少突先驅膠質細胞;Human oligodendrocyte precursor cell lysate 人少突膠質前體細胞裂解液;OPCM Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cell Medium 少突膠質前體細胞培養基;
1.Recently research shows that after the spinal cord injury are very great relations of the demyelination with the death of oligodendrocyte cell and the damage of axon. 然而在過去的研究中顯示,脊髓損傷後,去髓鞘化與寡突狀細胞的死亡和軸索的傷害有很大的關係。
2.Understanding mechanisms of oligodendrocyte death may suggest new therapeutic strategies to preserve or restore white matter function and structure after ischemic insults. 瞭解少突膠質細胞的死亡機制有可能為白質缺血損傷後結構和功能的保存與修復提供新的治療策略。
3.Working with Vittorio Gallo and his colleagues in the adjacent NIH lab, however, we found a contrasting situation with the oligodendrocyte glia that form myelin in the brain. 我與我NIH隔壁實驗室的加羅(VittrorioGallo)及其同事合作發現,寡突神經膠細胞在腦中形成髓鞘的情形剛好相反。
n.束間少突膠質細胞 - interfascicular oligodendrocyte