roset['rɔzit, 'rəuzət]n. (蘇格蘭)樹脂(等於resin)vt. 塗樹脂(等於resin)
roset 玫瑰花結;玫瑰花形;釋義:玫瑰花結,絲球,染色質紐;roset monocyte 釋義:單核白細胞玫瑰花形;malarial roset 釋義:瘧原蟲花朵狀裂殖體;ligne roset 寫意空間;寫意家居;寫意空間家居;Focus de Ligne Roset 福克斯燈具;
1.It was clear to me from the very start that Ligne Roset had a wealth of knowledge when it came to foam furniture. 從一開始,我就清楚ligneroset在製造傢俱方面有著豐富的知識和經驗。
2.As one of the most lasting sales products in Ligne Roset, TOGO continues to offer you with the most comfortable material and most casual way of life. 作為寫意空間最暢銷的產品之一,TOGO繼續以最舒適的材料為顧客提供最休閒的生活方式。
3.yet "on one day not being seen like separating three falls" love sickness like to watch the roset in the garden, picking, not being careful will also be gripped aggrievedly. 而「一日不見如隔三秋」的相思就像園中的玫瑰,採摘時不小心也會被扎得心痛。