





a. centripetal ,receptive ,sensational ,sensorial


a. extrasensory ,paranormal


sensory['sensəri]adj. 感覺的;知覺的;傳遞感覺的


sensory 知覺的;感覺;感官的;感覺的;sensory deprivation 感覺剝奪;感覺喪失;剝奪;感覺損失,剝奪;sensory control 感覺控制;感覺控制 犧滀植,??;釋義:傳感控制;感測控制;sensory neuron 感覺神經元;感覺神經單位;感覺神經元;釋義:感覺神經元;sensory cell 感覺細胞;釋義:感覺細胞;


1.This is the loss or destruction of the sensory tissue of the retina. 視網膜變性就是視網膜的感覺組織缺失或是被破壞。

2.Like the retinal fovea, this part of the star has the highest density of sensory nerve endings. 就像視網膜中央窩,星鼻的這個部分擁有密度最高的感覺神經末梢。

3.Different gardeners, of course, have different sensory images of what they want to experience in their gardens. 不同的園丁,當然,對在他們的花園裡想要經歷的東西有不同的感官想像。


radix sensoria nervitrigemini; sensory root of trigeminal nerve - 三叉神經感覺根

sensory disturbance of thalamic type - 丘腦型感覺障礙

contralateral sensory disturbance - 交叉型感覺障礙

visceral sensory nerve - 內臟感覺神經

dissociated sensory disturbance - 分離性感覺障礙

sensory disturbance of anterior commissura type - 前連合型感覺障礙

oral sensory function - 口腔感覺功能

posterior-root type sensory disturbance - 後根型感覺障礙

posterior-horn type sensory disturbance - 後角型感覺障礙

hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy type - 型遺傳性運動和感覺神經病

inspection of the sensory organs - 審苗竅

sense organ; sensory organ - 感官

sensory perception - 感性知覺

sensory epithelium - 感覺上皮

sensory epithelial cell - 感覺上皮細胞

sensory deprivation syndrome - 感覺喪失綜合征

sensory center - 感覺中樞

sensory relay nucleus - 感覺中繼核

decussatio sensoria; sensory decussation - 感覺交叉

sensory conducting function - 感覺傳導功能

sensory pathway - 感覺傳導路

sensory information - 感覺信息

peripheral dissociation; sensory isolatien - 感覺分離

sensory deprivation - 感覺剝奪

sensory function - 感覺功能

sensory area - 感覺區

sensation unit; sensory unit - 感覺單位

sensory capsule - 感覺囊

sensory detection method - 感覺式測法

sensory ataxia - 感覺性共濟運動失調

sensory aphasia - 感覺性失語

sensory ganglia - 感覺性神經節

sensory presbyacusia - 感覺性老年聾

sensory speech center - 感覺性言語中樞

sensory inhibition - 感覺抑制

sensory plate - 感覺板

sensory nucleus - 感覺核

radix sensoria; sensory root - 感覺根

sensory club - 感覺棒

sensory hair - 感覺毛

sensory hair cell - 感覺毛細胞

sensory spots - 感覺點

sensory cortex - 感覺皮層

sensory area - 感覺皮質區

sensory nerve - 感覺神經

sensory nerves conduction velocity - 感覺神經傳導速度

sensory neuron - 感覺神經元

sensory nerve ending - 感覺神經末梢

sensory process - 感覺突

sensory pit - 感覺窩


n.聯合感覺中樞 - associated sensory center

n.交叉型感覺障礙 - contralateral sensory disturbance

n.皮層感覺區 - cortical sensory area

n.深部感覺傳導路 - deep sensory pathway

n.分離性感覺障礙 - dissociated sensory disturbance

外丘系感覺系統 - extralemniscal sensory system

n.型遺傳性運動和感覺神經病 - hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy type

遺傳性感覺神經障礙 - hereditary sensory neuropathy

遺傳性感覺神經根障礙 - hereditary sensory radicular neuropathy

n.審苗竅 - inspection of the sensory organs

n.口腔感覺功能 - oral sensory function

大阪感覺器難病研究會 - Osaka workshop of intractable disease of sensory organ

n.後角型感覺障礙 - posterior-horn type sensory disturbance

n.後根型感覺障礙 - posterior-root type sensory disturbance

n.第一級感覺神經元 - primary sensory neuron

n.第二級感覺神經元 - secondary sensory neuron

體覺區 - somatic sensory area

n.特殊感覺神經 - specific sensory nerve

超皮質感覺性失語,超皮質感 - transcortical sensory aphasia

n.內臟感覺神經 - visceral sensory nerve

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