v. tailor
shoehorn['ʃu:hɔ:n]n. 鞋拔vt. 硬塞進
Shoehorn 鞋秋;硬塞進;鞋撥;鞋抽;ivory shoehorn 象牙的鞋拔;shoe lifter shoehorn 鞋拔;
1.Mike: They're a bit tight. Could you get me a shoehorn? Oh, and one more thing, could you ask how much they are going to cost me? 這稍微有點緊。能給我一個鞋拔嗎?哦,還有個事兒,能幫我問一下價格嗎?
2.Mike: They're a bit tight. Could you get me a shoehorn? Oh, and one more thing, could you ask how much they are going to cost me? 邁克:這有點擠。可以幫我拿一個鞋塞嗎?哦,還有一件事情,可以幫我問一下,這雙鞋多少錢嗎?
3.At first, we tried to shoehorn these fragments into the prevailing view about the age of the rocks—animals this size must be peculiar dinosaurs or other odd Mesozoic beasts. 由於過去對於這些岩層的年代已有定見,剛開始我們試著把這些碎片硬套進去,認為這種體型的動物必定是很特別的恐龍,要不就是其他古怪的中生代獸類。