Caudatan. 有尾目
Caudata 有尾目;有尾亞綱;有味;山礬華白檀;Archangiopteris caudata 尾葉原始觀音座蓮;Lagerstroemia caudata 尾葉紫薇;Microtropis caudata 尖尾假衛矛;Rosa caudata 尾萼薔薇;
1.It discusses Symplocos caudata as a mordant was used in Yellow dyeing and You dyeing. 探討了山礬作為媒染劑參與的染黃和染黝工藝。
2.In the history of ancient Chinese dyeing, the wide use of Symplocos caudata as a raw material for dyeing only appeared in the Song Dynasty. 在中國古代染色史上,山礬作為染色原材料被廣為利用,只出現在宋代這一時期。
3.It also analyzed and discussed the open questions in the studies of systematics and evolution of Caudata in China, looking forward to the trends and prospects of the field in future. 分析討論了我國有尾類系統與進化研究中存在的問題,展望了該領域今後的研究趨勢和發展前景。