





necklace['neklis]n. 項鏈


necklace 項圈,項鏈;項鏈的;項鍊;項練;green necklace 綠色項鏈;gold necklace 金項鏈;黃金項鏈;金項鍊;pearl necklace 珍珠項鏈;珍珠項鏈-----------;珍珠項鏈系列;仿珍珠頸鏈;OLIVE NECKLACE 橄欖項鏈;


1.She said it was a valuable necklace. It really was. 她說那是一條很貴重的項鏈,的確很貴重。

2.When I wear this necklace I shall always think of you. 當我戴上這條項鏈的時候,我會永遠想著你。

3.Just right for a special occasion, this long necklace is trendy and playful. 正好適合一個特殊的時刻,這是流行的長項鏈和好玩的。


I would like to buy a diamond necklace for my wife. - 我想為我的妻子買一條鑽石項鏈。

I am looking for a necklace with a matching pair of earrings. - 我想找一條項鏈和一副跟它相配的耳環。

Do you remember one afternoon ten years ago when I came to your house and borrowed a necklace of yours? Pierre, my husband, was working in a government office. We'd been invited to a ball at the palace so I needed to borrow some jewellery. - 10年前的一個下午,我到你家借過一條項鏈,你還記得嗎?我的丈夫比爾當時在政府的一個部門工作。我們被邀請參加一個宮庭舞會,所以我需要借一點珠寶首飾。

You were very kind. You brought out all your jewellery and you told me I could take anything I wanted. There were so many beautiful things that it was hard to choose. And then I saw a lovely diamond necklace with a big blue stone in the centre. - 你太好了。當時你把所有的珠寶首飾全都拿了出來,而且說,我要什麼就可以拿什麼。漂亮的首飾太多了,實在難挑選。後來我終於看中了一條美麗的鑽石項鏈,中間還嵌著一顆大藍寶石。

On our way home that night I looked down and saw that the necklace was not around my neck any more. I told Pierre. We rushed back to the palace and looked for it.We asked everyone there if they had found a necklace, but without luck. We couldn't find it; - 那天晚上在回家的路上,我低頭一看,發現項鏈不再掛在我的脖子上了。我告訴了比爾。我們馬上趕回王宮去尋找。我們詢問了那兒的每一個人,問他們是不是拾到了一條項鏈。可是,真倒霉。我們找不到那條項鏈;它丟失了。

But I don't understand. You returned the necklace to me the next afternoon. I remember very well. - 不過,我還不懂。我記得很清楚,你們第二天下午就把項鏈還給我了。

Yes, Jeanne, I brought a necklace to you. It was exactly like your necklace, but it was a different one. It cost us thirty-six thousand francs. - 是的,讓娜。我還給你的那一條項鏈,完全像你原來的那條一樣,但那是另外的一條。它花了我們36000法郎。

My dear friend, Mathilde. Let me tell you something. That necklace you borrowed from me wasn't a real diamond necklace. It wasn't valuable at all. The stones in the necklace were made of glass. It was worth five hundred francs at the most. - 瑪蒂爾德,我親愛的朋友。讓我告訴你吧。你向我借的那條項鏈並不是一條真的鑽石項鏈。那條項鏈根本不值錢。項鏈中的寶石是玻璃做的。它最多值500法郎。


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