semiofficial 半官方的;semiofficial dollarization 美元化;quasi-official semiofficial 半官方的;quasi-official semiofficial 半官方的;
1.Association of trade of shoe of city of deer of lukewarm state city is the guild of typical semiofficial type. 溫州市鹿城鞋業協會是典型的半官方式的行業協會。
2.'No report of death has been sent to the police, ' the AP quoted Azizollah Rajabzadeh saying late Sunday, citing the semiofficial ISNA news agency. 據美聯社報導,拉賈巴扎赫週日晚些時候對半官方的伊朗通訊社(ISNA)說,警方沒有接到有人死亡的報告。
3.The channeling of E. U. funds to the Palestinian Authority to unofficial or semiofficial accounts was a bone of contention that often troubled many an honest official of the Union. 困擾許多誠實的歐盟官員的一個爭端是,是否應該將歐盟的資金打到巴勒斯坦當局的非官方或半官方賬戶上。