footplate['fu:t,pleit]n. 踏板
footplate 踏板;支柱墊板 腳踏板;腳板 支柱墊板;電工踏板;Wood footplate 木墊板;Perforation footplate 釋義:鐙骨底板穿孔;Bisection stapes footplate 釋義:鐙骨底板對切;fenestration stapes footplate with vein graft 釋義:鐙骨底板開窗術伴靜脈移植;
1.The combination of the steel tube of terminal market and inferior footplate cannot communicate classical grade at all. 批發市場的鋼管與劣質踏板的組合根本無法傳達經典的品位。
2.The hearing was improved obviously after reconstruction of the EAM and ossicle for the patients with normal stapes footplate. 鐙骨底板活動患者外耳道、中耳重建術後聽力改善明顯。
3.Also can wait for combination with metal, board, use at armrest, baluster and footplate place, rise to reduce the adornment effect with oppressive space. 也可以與金屬、木板等組合,用於扶手、欄杆及踏板處,起到減少空間壓迫的裝飾作用。