Marianan. 馬裡亞納群島(位於西太平洋);瑪麗安娜(女子名,Mary的異體)
Mariana 比博普爵士樂;吳佩儀;Mariana Trench 馬裡亞納海溝;馬里安納海溝;亞納海溝;馬裡亞納海溝;Mariana Mao 學生毛玉羚;Mariana Kovacevic 科瓦切維奇;mariana barichello 硬搖滾;
1.President Bush notes the protected zones include parts of the Mariana Trench - the world's deepest canyon. 布什總統指出保護區包括瑪利亞那海溝的一部分,這是世界上最深的峽谷。
2.After an internship this summer, Mariana was fortunate to get a full-time job with a publisher in New York City. 完成了今年暑期的實習後,瑪麗安娜幸運地在紐約一家出版公司找到了一份全職工作。
3.Amid the real-estate crisis Mariana and three friends were able to lease a four-bedroom apartment in the upscale Park Slope section of Brooklyn for $3100 a month. 在房地產危機期間,瑪麗安娜和她的三個朋友得以用每月3100美元的租金租下了布魯克林高檔公園坡區的一套四居室公寓。