slimming['slimiŋ]n. 減肥adj. 減輕體重的v. 減肥(slim的ing形式)
slimming 節食;減食療法;減輕體重的;為減輕體重或變瘦而做的節食或運動;BOTANICAL SLIMMING 植物瘦身;slimming bread 低澱粉麵包, 高麵筋麵包;Slimming diet 釋義:減肥飲食;slimming products 瘦身產品;
1.The hottest and the most effective & economical slimming drink in town ! ! 市面上最紅`最有效與最經濟的減肥飲料!!
2.Hell of slimming: Never go to extremes to reduce calorie intake. This body will collapse, leading to anemia and other health-damaging conditions. 地獄式減肥:千萬不要極端地減少卡路里的攝取。這樣會拖垮身體,導致貧血等損害健康的情況。
3.But, assuming the Tories do win, their emergency budget will put Britain's bloated state on a slimming cure during the first half of the new decade. 無論如何,只要保守黨能獲勝,其緊急財政預算將是一劑減肥藥,在下個十年的前半段期間替英國治療其「臃腫體態」。