qrsabbr. 快速應答服務(Quick Response Services);資格審核表(Qualification Review Sheet)
QRS 請發游更慢;發送減速;量子共振檢測儀;量子共振健康檢測儀;QRS deflection 釋義:QRS偏轉;QRS loop QRS環;QRS complex QRS波;QRS波群;QRS vector QRS向量;
1.Monitor blood pressure and heart rate, and monitor for signs of QRS widening (ie, with frequent ECGs). 監控血壓和心臟速率,監控QRS增寬信號(例如心電圖頻率)。
2.Method: Test level of Vitamin C and microelement Se contained inside of patient with cancer by means of quantum resonance Samecom QRS. 方法:對臨床上已確診為惡性腫瘤患者用量子共振同康信息檢測儀檢測其體內的維生素C和微量元素硒。
3.Wide QRS complex tachycardia was the common clinical cardiovascular emergency case and it was occurred in ventricular tachycardia(VT) or supraventricular tachycardia(SVT). 寬QRS波群心動過速是臨床常見的心血管急症,可見於室性心動過速和室上性心動過速。