carinaen. 船底座;老人星
Carinae 船底座;突複數;卡利那;船底;Eta Carinae 船底座伊塔星壁紙;船底座伊塔星桌布;carinae drude 葛縷子亞族;lateral carinae 側隆線;側脊, 側隆線;Carinae Nebula 位於卡裡那星雲;
1.Explanation: Eta Carinae, one of the most massive and unstable stars in the Milky Way Galaxy, has a profound effect on its environment. 說明: 船底座η星是銀河系中質量最大,最不穩定的恆星之一,它深深地影響著周圍的環境。
2.The Carina Nebula itself is one of the largest star forming regions known and home to Eta Carinae, one of the most unstable and variable stars known. 船底座星雲本身也是迄今為止所已知的最大恆星形成區域之一,也是船底座η星誕生地,船底座η星也是迄今為止所發現的最不穩定的變星。
3.Historical records do show that about 150 years ago Eta Carinae underwent an unusual outburst that made it one of the brightest stars in the southern sky. 根據歷史記載,大約在150年前海山二星經歷了一次不平常的爆發,那使得它成為南半球夜空中最亮的幾顆星之一。