





diet pills diet fitness health phentermine pill 具體要求:;diet pills diet fitness health phentermine pill 具體要求:;The metabolism adjusts to changes in diet 代謝調節,以飲食習慣的改變;AHA diet 美國心臟協會推薦飲食;APE DIET 人猿瘦身法;


1.Diet Coke, diet Pepsi, diet pills, on-fat diet, vegetable diet… We are surrounded by the word"diet"everywhere we look and listen. 飲食焦炭,百事可樂的飲食,減肥藥丸,對高脂飲食,蔬菜的飲食… …我們周圍的單詞「飲食」無處不在,我們看看,聽一聽。

2.56% of diet cola drinkers think Diet Pepsi has more cola taste than Diet Coke. 百分之56喝減肥可樂的人認為健怡百事比健怡可口可樂喝起來更像可樂。

3.You should have a low fat/ low salt/ light diet/high caloric diet/high protein/soft diet/liquid food. 您的進食應該是低脂/低鹽/輕淡/高熱量/高蛋白/軟食/流食的食物。

4.The World Health Organization says there are three major causes(concerns)-tobacco(tabaco) use, physical inactivity and an unhealthy diet(on healthy diet). 世界衛生組織說心臟病有三大主要誘因:吸煙、缺乏運動和不健康的飲食。

5.On a plentiful diet there is no difference, but on a restricted diet this preadaptation could be decisive. 食物豐富時抗性沒有區別;但當食物有限時,這一預適應可以是決定性的。


A diet cola, please. - 一份健怡可樂。

She's on a diet these days. - 這些天她在節食。

Combining exercise with the diet may be the most effective way to lose weight. - 運動與節食結合也許是減肥最有效的途徑。

He began his diet a week ago. - 他是一星期前開始節食的。

He explained that his diet was so strict that he had to reward himself occasionally. - 他解釋說,他的飲食控制得太嚴格了,以致不得不偶爾獎賞自己一下。

you have the choice of very expensive organically-grown vegetables or a steady diet of pesticides every time you think you're eating fresh salads and vegetables, or just having an innocent glass of water! - 或是選用價格昂貴、有機培植的蔬菜,或是當你認為在享用新鮮色拉和新鮮蔬菜或飲用一杯無害的水的時候,實際上每次都不斷吃進殺蟲劑。


special diet for labour - 保健餐

dissociate diet dissociated diet - 氮糖分進飲食

diet therapy; dietotherapy - 膳食療法

diet planning - 膳食調配

diet regimens - 規定食譜

diet arrangement - 配膳

diet preparation room - 配膳室

improper diet and over-tiredness; improper diet and overtiredness - 飲食勞倦

antisecosis; diet regulation - 飲食調節

improper diet being a pathogenic factor - 馨飪之邪


n.粗食 - a lean diet

n.清淡的食物 - a light diet

絕對飲食 - absolute diet

酸性食物 - acid diet

無酸飲食 - acid-free diet

n.附加飲食 - addition diet

n.適當飲食 - adequate diet

n.鹼化飲食 - alkali-sah diet

n.貧血飲食 - anemia diet

蘋果餐 - apple diet

n.運動員飲食 - athletes diet

n.平衡膳食 - balanced diet

基本定量 - basal diet

n.鹼性飲食 - basic diet

清淡食品 - bland diet

n.清淡流質飲食 - bland liquid diet

n.康塔尼氏飲食 - cantanis diet

n.心病飲食 - cardiac diet

生齲飲食 - caries-inducing diet

生齲試餐 - caries test diet

生齲試餐 - caries-test diet

生齲飲食 - cariogenic diet

穀類食物 - cereal diet

n.分類索引 - classfied diet

n.科-謝二氏傷寒病飲食 - coleman-shaffer diet

節食 - controlled diet

n.恢復期飲食 - convalescent diet

n.內傷飲食痙 - convulsion caused by improper diet

塊狀食物 - cubed diet

n.丹內特氏飲食 - dennetts diet

n.傷食頭痛 - dheadache due to improper diet

n.康塔尼氏飲食,糖尿病飲食 - diabetic diet

n.傷食瀉 - diarrhea due to improper diet

n.氮糖分進飲食 - dissociate diet dissociated diet

n.分類進食 - dissociated diet

乾燥飲食 - dry diet

n.埃布斯坦氏肥胖病飲食 - ebsteins diet

n.要素飲食 - elemental diet

排除法飲食,排除飲食 - elimination diet

n.食心痛 - epigastric pain due to improper diet

試驗飲食,實驗飲食 - experimental diet

n.無脂飲食 - fat-free diet

n.不全食物 - faulty diet

n.不適當飲食 - favlty diet

n.熱病飲食 - fever diet

流食 - fluid diet

n.食脹 - flatulence due to improper diet

n.普通飲食,全食 - full diet

普通飲食 - general diet

無谷蛋白飲食 - gluten-free diet

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