kuoyun. 中國國語
1.Kuoyu lives in a world in perfect symbiosis with nature; 國鈺生活在一個她與自然共生共存的世界中;
2.Kuoyu's vision and technique progress hand-in-hand, true and faithful, pure and without pretension or superficial effects. 國鈺的洞悉力與繪畫技巧肩並肩地進步著,真確又忠實、純淨又不矯飾,且無任何膚淺的表像。
3.Kuoyu lives in a world in perfect symbiosis with nature; she does not judge it as beautiful or ugly, nor does she reduce it to a pretty picture or abstract it from life. 國鈺生活在一個她與自然共生共存的世界中;她並不以美或醜來判定這個世界,也不把這世界簡化為一幅美麗的圖畫,或把它從現世中抽離。