latecomer['leit,kʌmə]n. 遲到者;新來者
latecomer 遲到者;Latecomer in the snow 風雪夜歸人 -;
1.A latecomer to politics, the chancellor has treated the party as a vehicle rather than as a home. 對於政治上的後來者,默克爾把政黨當作一種工具,而不是家園。
2.I know good interpersonal relationship is a must to survive in this area, she do that very well , though she is a latecomer. 在這樣的環境中生存,良好的人際關係是必不可少的,她做得很好,雖然她來得晚。
3.After all, he was something of a latecomer to the antiwar movement, even though by 1965 he was convinced that the role of the United States in the war was indefensible. 畢竟,在某種程度上他是反越戰運動的姍姍來遲者,雖然早在1965年,他已確信美國在越戰中的地位是無可辨解的。