lourdesn. 盧爾德(法國西南部城市)
Lourdes 盧爾德;Lourdes Evans 埃文斯;Tarbes Lourdes 法國塔布-露德;Lourdes Aranda 阿蘭達;Lourdes College 路德學院;
1.The mention of Easter reminds me that in my Lourdes entry I started the topic of my abortive conversion to Catholicism. 說起復活節,這倒使我想起我在盧爾德記下的那段日記,那時我只開了個頭,講到我的半途而廢的改信天主教一事。
2.Her daughter Lourdes, who is seven, was the inspiration for the central character Binah, she told The Times Magazine in an interview. 在接受時代雜誌採訪時她說,她書中的描寫主人公冰海的靈感主要來自她那七歲的女兒路德。
3.Madonna says she had some explaining to do when her daughter, Lourdes, asked about that kiss with Britney at the 2003 MTV Video Music Awards. 麥當娜日前透露,女兒勞爾黛斯要她解釋,她在2003年MTV音樂頒獎典禮上與布蘭妮接吻是怎麼回事。