palimpsest['pælimpsest]n. 重寫本
palimpsest 變余構造;重寫本;重寫人生;水系疊加;palimpsest relief 變餘地形;palimpsest structure 變余結構;變余構造,殘留構造;變餘結構;palimpsest sediment 變余沈積物;Archimedes Palimpsest 阿基米德重寫本;
1.The figure is less a personage and more a palimpsest of the various ideas his "life" has been made to support. 羅賓漢這一形象已經不局限在一個人的身上了,更多的是經過重新塑造帶有讀者各種個人理想色彩的人物。
2.The palimpsest is believed to have been created by Byzantine monks in the 13th century, probably in Constantinople. 這份重寫本據信是由拜占庭僧侶在13世紀創作,可能在君士坦丁堡。
3.The pages of the older books became the sheaths of a newer one, thus a palimpsest (which is pronounced PAL-imp-west and is Greek for "rubbed again"). 古老書籍的頁面成為新書的外套,這就是重寫本(用於宣傳遊俠與惡魔神話,在希臘稱為「擦除再用」)。