self-complacence 自滿;narcissi narcissism self-complacence 自我陶醉;self-complacence self-satisfaction 自滿;
1.Love the company and the post, Comity and innovation, fight our way, deploitation and enterprising, never self-complacence, go well up to bridle . 愛廠敬業,團結創新,艱苦奮鬥,開拓進取,永不自滿,勇往直前。
2.We thought that the design not only beauty and self-complacence, but also the promotion of your brand. So It is no use designing it don't suit for your brand. 我們認為做設計不能只注重於美感和自我沉醉,更多的還需要考慮到品牌的推廣,如果不適合品牌的使用,再好的設計作品也不能滿足客戶的需求。
3.At any time, she was aware of herself to be a public servant for serving the society, so she was extremely modest and always 她在任何時候都意識到自己是社會的公僕,她是極端的謙虛,永遠不給自滿留下任何餘地。