unitive['ju:nitiv]adj. 統一的;團結的;聯合的
unitive 統一的;隋境格;結合格;悠立半導體;uniform unitive 統一的;Unitive perception 統一性知覺:指通過世俗的生活來領會神聖的能力,是存在領域知覺與匱乏領域的知覺的綜合。;united unitive 團結的;unitive international 萬幫國際;
1.I think they're the things in sea fight in Jin period, not in Han dynasty. Unitive ware shape, rare with decorations. 小女以為是晉時船戰之物,未到漢。器型統一,有紋飾較少見。
2.It will promote the harmonious ethnic relationship over many levels, and ensure the equal, unitive, interdependent and harmonious ethnic relationship. 以改善民生為重點的社會建設,將在多個層面推進民族關係的和諧,成為平等、團結、互助、和諧民族關係的重要保障。
3.The feasibility of constructing unitive plain reservoirs water supply system between cities and countries was analyzed from water sources, financing, operation and management. 從水源、資金、運營與管理等方面分析了建立統一的平原水庫城鄉供水體系的可行性;