





white zinc zinc oxide 氧化鋅;Zinc and zinc alloys - Determination of tin content - Phenylfluorone-cetyltrimethyla-mmonium bromide spectrophotometric method 鋅及鋅合金化學分析方法 苯芴酮- 溴化十六烷基三甲胺分光光度法測定錫量;Analytical methods for boiler water and cooling water - Determination of zinc in prefilming liquid containing phosphorus and zinc - Complexometric titration 鍋爐用水和冷卻水分析方法 磷鋅預膜液中鋅的測定 絡合滴定法;Zinc-coated steel wire - Test method for uniformity of zinc coating on wire by the copper sulphate dip 鍍鋅鋼絲鋅層硫酸銅試驗方法;Zinc and zinc alloys - Determination of cadmium content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method 鋅及鋅合金化學分析方法 火焰原子吸收光譜法測定鎘量;


1.Main products of zinc smelting operation sets smelting technology, lead-zinc mine, zinc concentrate, lead concentrate, Xinding, lead ingots, metal zinc powder. 主要經營產品氧化鋅礦冶煉成套冶煉工藝,鉛鋅礦,鋅精礦,鉛精礦,鋅錠,鉛錠,金屬鋅粉。

2.Surface processing:Plate the zinc( blue zinc, yellow zinc and plate the zinc up the wax) and plate the Ni , point phosphate to turn black. 表面處理:鍍鋅(藍鋅、黃鋅及鍍鋅上蠟)、鍍鎳、磷化黑。

3.In the recovery of copper and zinc, etc. from waste hydrochloric acid by zinc powder replacement, zinc chlorinate liquor is obtained. 研究了在廢鹽酸溶液中用鋅粉置換回收銅、鉛等金屬得到的氯化鋅溶液,採用兩步調鹼和磁場作用制備鹼式碳酸鋅。

4.In addition to professional manufacture and sale of industrial casters, the Company兼營plating surface decoration, mainly blue zinc plating, Choi zinc and zinc white. 除專業製造銷售工業腳輪外,本公司兼營電鍍表面裝飾,目前主要是電鍍藍鋅,彩鋅和白鋅。

5.Because of using zinc hydrometallurgy process of jarosite process, the leaching rate of zinc may reach 97% and this line can produce high quality zinc continuously and steadily. 採用黃鉀鐵礬法的濕法煉鋅工藝,鋅的浸出率可達到97%,可以穩定持續地生產優質鋅。


zinc oxide eugenol cement - 丁香油酚氧化鋅粘固粉

zinc vitriol - 七水合硫酸鋅

zinc nitride - 二氮化三鋅

zinc dibenzyl-dithiocarbamate - 二下基二硫氨基甲酸鋅

n. zinc based - 以鋅體基體的

n. low zinc cyanide plating - 低氰化鋅電鍍

n. bright zinc plating - 光亮鋅鍍層

n. bright zinc plating - 光澤鋅鍍

n. zinc plate for letter press - 凸版印刷機用鋅板

zinc undecylenate - 十一烯酸鋅

alky zinc halide - 鹵化烷基鋅

n. zinc base bearing metal - 含鋅基合金

compound ointment of zinc undecylenate - 復方十一烯酸鋅軟膏

compound paste of zinc oxide; pasta zinci oxidi composita - 復方氧化鋅

nizin; zinc sulfanilate - 尼鋅

n. non-cyanide zinc plating - 無氰化物鍍鋅

zinc fluoride - 氟化鋅

zinc amide - 氨基鋅

zinc hydroxide - 氫氧化鋅

flower of zinc; zinc oxide - 氧化鋅

zinc oxide eugenol cement - 氧化鋅丁香油粘固粉

zinc oxide poisoning - 氧化鋅中毒

zinc oxide sedative treatment - 氧化鋅安撫治療

zinc gelatin - 氧化鋅明膠

zinc oxide ointment - 氧化鋅軟膏

zinc pyrithione; zincpyrithione; znpt - 氧巰基吡啶鋅

zinc oxysulfide - 氧硫化鋅

n. zinc sulfamate bath - 氨基磺酸鋅浴

n. zinc sulfamate bath - 氨基磺酸鋅鍍槽

zinc sulfanilate - 氨基苯磺酸鋅

chlorfaematin; protohemin; zinc chloride - 氯化血紅素

n. zinc chloride bath - 氯化鋅浴

n. zinc chloride bath - 氯化鋅鍍槽

zinc ferrocyanide - 氰亞鐵酸鋅

n. zinc cyanide plating - 氰化鋅鍍層

n. zinc coating line - 塗鋅線

n. hot dipped zinc coating - 熱浸鋅塗敷

n. hot dipped zinc coating - 熱浸鍍鋅層

n. zinc pyrophosphate bath - 焦磷酸鋅浴

n. zinc pyrophosphate bath - 焦磷酸鋅鍍槽

zinc methyl-arse-nate - 甲基胂酸鋅

n. zinc alloy plating - 電鍍鋅合金

white viriiol; zinc sulfate - 硫酸鋅

zinc sulfate turbidity test; zine sulfate turbidity test - 硫酸鋅濁度試驗

zinc sulfate floatation method - 硫酸鋅浮聚法

zinc sulfate eyedrop - 硫酸鋅滴眼劑

zinc sulfate centrifugal floatation method - 硫酸鋅離心浮集法

beryllium zinc silicate - 硅酸鋅鈹

zinc nitrate - 硝酸鋅

zinc sulfide crystal - 硫化鋅晶體


n.鹵化烷基鋅 - alky zinc halide

n.桿菌肽鋅 - bacitracin zinc

n.硅酸鋅鈹 - beryllium zinc silicate

n.復方十一烯酸鋅軟膏 - compound ointment of zinc undecylenate

n.復方氧化鋅 - compound paste of zinc oxide

n.結晶鋅胰島素,鋅胰島素結晶 - crystalline zinc insulin

n.福斯特氏硫酸鋅離心浮集法 - fausts zinc sulfate centrifugal floation method

n.氧化鋅 - flower of zinc

n.促皮質素鋅注射液 - injection of corticotropin zinc

魚精蛋白鋅胰島素注射液 - insulin zinc protamine injection

n.鋅胰島素混懸液,胰島素鋅混懸液 - insulin zinc suspension

藥用過氧化鋅 - medicinal zinc peroxide

n.磷化鋅 - phosphatic zinc

n.精蛋白鋅胰島素,魚精蛋白鋅胰島素 - protamine zinc insulin

n.光譜純鋅 - spectroscopically pure zinc

n.鋅處理後雌激素總量 - total estrogens after zinc treatment

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