1.This is the gap, and we recall the 60th Emmy Awards, is more likely to think of the Gacko Gilbert Stuart's "two-gag" and Tang - of Hendrix signboard "poison-tongued" . 這就是差距,而我們在回顧第60屆艾美獎頒獎典禮之時,想起的可能更多是斯圖爾特加科爾伯特的「插科打諢二人組」和唐-裡克斯的招牌式「毒舌」。
2.She said she planned to add him to her line of T-shirts depicting James Brown, Jimi Hendrix, and Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon. 她計劃將奧巴馬加入到自己的系列T恤中。該系列中的人物還包括詹姆斯·布朗、吉米·亨德裡克斯,以及登月第一人尼爾·阿姆斯壯等。
3.In the sixties the business exploded in every direction, with a lot of people wanting funky hang-ups like Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan, that Easy Rider poster. 六十年代,海報的需求種類雜蕪繁多,很多人喜歡朋克歌星的掛畫,像傑米·亨德利克斯、鮑伯-迪倫,還有電影《遙遠的騎士》的海報。
4.There was one technique not impacted by Hendrix's left handedness: setting his guitar on fire. For that, he used both hands. 但是仍然還是有一種「技術」沒有受到亨德裡克斯左撇子的影響:把他的吉他付之一炬。幹這個,他可是用了兩隻手。
5.In one study, psychologists at Hendrix College in Arkansas found that college freshmen who kept night-owl hours had lower GPAs than early birds. 在一項研究中,阿肯色州里克斯學院的心理學家發現,大學新生中那些「夜貓子」式的作息方式的學生們比早起的「雲雀」平均學分積低。