knacker['nækə]n. 屠馬業者;收買廢屋船業者vt. [俚]閹割;殺死
knacker 屠馬業者;廢屋船業者;舊設備;或房產拆賣者;Knacker Sausage will be sent frozen to you 冷凍運送;
1.It was a Beauceron mare, old and thin, and one fit for the knacker, which was dragging a very heavy cart. 一匹又老又瘦只配送給屠夫的博斯母馬,拉著一輛很重的車子。
2.Then send for the knacker and have the head of the horse which I rode here cut off for it angered me on the way. 不久,假新娘對王子說:「親愛的丈夫,請幫我做一件令我稱心的事吧。」王子說道:「我很願意效勞。」「告訴你的屠夫,去把我騎的那匹馬的頭砍下來。
3.Some of the animals had noticed that the van which took Boxer away was marked "Horse Slaughterer, " and had actually jumped to the conclusion that Boxer was being sent to the knacker's. 有的動物注意到,拉走鮑克瑟的馬車上有「屠馬商」的標記,就信口開河地說,鮑克瑟被送到宰馬場了。