off-market 場外的;off-market rules 場外規則;off-market transaction 場外交易;off-market dealing 場外買賣;場外買賣 財經;off-market share repurchase 場外購回股份;場外股份購回;場外股份購回;
1.Information is also constrained by the off-market nature of many of these transactions. 場外交易也是資訊缺乏的一個因素。
2."Central banks such as those in China, Russia and Japan are obvious counter-parties" to such off-market sales. 「例如中國,俄國和日本的中央銀行明顯是該市場之外銷售的對方」。
3.It would struggle to buy that amount in the open market but a deal with the IMF in an off-market transaction would be incredibly bullish for the market. 中國會難以在公開市場買到那種數量的黃金,但若與IMF達成場外交易,對市場來說將是難以置信的利好消息。