Cuman 福美鋅殺菌劑;Cuman Noblemen 庫曼貴族弓騎兵;Cuman Axemen 庫曼斧兵;Cuman Horse Archers 庫曼弓騎兵;Cuman Heavy Infantry 庫曼重步兵;
1.Cuman Noblemen are elite warriors who can afford the best armor and weapons available. 精英類型:封建兵種庫曼貴族是能買得起最佳的裝甲和武器的精英戰士。
2.However, through choice or by force, many have found their way into the ranks of Cuman armies. 由於領地給各國包圍,因此必須建立軍事力量。
3.Skythikon is the Byzantine term used to describe the mainly Cuman, Asiatic Nomads, who serve the Byzantine Empire exclusively as horse archers. 塞西亞弓騎兵是對拜占庭軍中服役之亞洲遊牧弓騎兵的總稱。