





n. vesicle


cyst[sist]n. 囊腫;包囊;膀胱


cyst 囊腫;孢囊,胞囊;胞囊;孢囊又稱「胞囊」。;sebaceous cyst 皮脂囊腫;皮脂腺囊腫;釋義:皮脂囊腫,粉瘤,皮脂囊腫粉瘤,皮脂腺囊腫;皮脂腺囊腫, 粉瘤;epidermoid cyst 表皮樣囊腫;表皮囊腫;dermoid cyst 皮樣囊腫;良性囊性畸胎瘤;chocolate cyst 巧克力囊腫;釋義:巧克力樣囊腫;巧克力樣囊腫,子宮內膜囊腫;子宮內膜囊腫;


1.What is cyst, how should treat? ? ? 囊腫是什麼,該怎麼治療???

2.Examine out the ovary cyst , have fist size after gestation. 懷孕後檢查出卵巢囊腫,有拳頭大小。

3.The embryo lymph cyst is one kind of rarer embryo subnormal because the lymphatic system obstruction. 胎兒淋巴囊腫是一種較少見的胎兒畸形,是由於淋巴系統梗阻所致。


fissural cyst of jaw - 下頜裂囊腫

areolar glands; cyst of montgomerys glands; glandulae areolares - 乳暈腺

cyst of areolar glands; cyst of montgomerys glands - 乳暈腺囊腫

dermoid cyst of mammary glands - 乳腺皮樣囊腫

cyst of epiglottis - 會厭囊腫

congenital cyst of prepuce - 先天性包皮囊腫

congenital cyst of larynx - 先天性喉囊腫

congenital solitary cyst of kidney - 先天性孤立性腎囊腫

congenital cyst of vitreous body - 先天性玻璃體囊腫

congenital cyst of liver - 先天性肝囊腫

congenital bronchogenic cyst of lung - 先天性肺支氣管囊腫

congenital cyst of common bile duct - 先天性膽總管囊腫

congneital cyst of sublingual gland - 先天性舌下腺囊腫

congenital cyst of tongue - 先天性舌囊腫

congential cyst of retina - 先天性視網膜囊腫

congenital cyst of submaxillary gland - 先天性頜下腺囊腫

cyst of prostate - 前列腺囊腫

bartholins cyst; cyst fo bartholins gland - 前庭大腺囊腫

excision of cyst of bartholins gland - 前庭大腺囊腫切除術

cyst concentration method - 包囊濃集法

simple cyst of kidney - 單純性腎囊腫

cyst of semilunar cartilage; meniscus cyst - 半月板囊腫

chocolate cyst of ovary; chocolatecystofovary; ovarian endometrial cyst - 卵巢內膜囊腫

ovarian cyst forceps - 卵巢囊腫鉗

endometrial cyst of ovary - 卵巢子宮內膜囊腫

chocolate cyst of ovary; chocolatecystofovary; endometrial cyst of ovary - 卵巢巧克力囊腫

dermoid cyst of ovary - 卵巢皮樣囊腫

mucous cyst of ovary - 卵巢粘液囊腫

epidermal cyst of ovary; epidermal inclusion cyst of ovary - 卵巢表面上皮包涵囊腫

dermoid cyst of mouth - 口皮樣囊腫

cyst wall - 囊壁

cyst excavator - 囊腫挖匙

cyst membrane - 囊膜

popliteal bursitis; synovial cyst of popliteal space - 國窩粘液囊炎

cyst of round ligament - 圓韌帶囊腫

cyst of lateral aberrant thyroid - 外側迷走甲狀腺囊腫

sebaceous cyst of vulva - 外陰皮脂囊腫

multilocular cyst of kidney - 多房性腎囊腫

cyst of greater omentum; epiploic cyst - 大網膜囊腫

cyst of skenes gland - 女尿道旁腺囊腫

cyst of ligamentum teres uteri - 子宮圓韌帶囊腫

cyst of cervix - 子宮頸囊腫

retention cyst of cervix - 子宮頸瀦囊腫

nabothian cyst of cervix - 子宮頸腺體囊腫

cyst of nabothian follicles - 子宮頸腺濾泡囊腫

solitary cyst of liver - 孤立性肝囊腫

solitary cyst of kidney - 孤立性腎囊腫

epidermoid cyst of cerebellum - 小腦表皮樣囊腫

cyst of bulbourethral gland; cyst of cowpers gland - 尿道球腺囊腫

echinococcus cyst of heart - 心臟包蟲囊腫


n.腎上腺囊腫 - adrenal cyst

n.氣囊腫 - air cyst

尿囊囊胞 - allantoic cyst

n.肺泡型囊腫 - alveolar cyst

n.阿米巴包囊,阿米巴囊 - amebic cyst

n.動脈瘤樣骨囊腫 - aneurysm-like bone cyst

n.動脈瘤樣骨囊腫 - aneurysmal bone cyst

根尖囊腫 - apical cyst

中風性囊腫 - apoplectic cyst

n.蛛網膜囊腫 - arachnoid cyst

蛛網膜囊腫 - arachnoidal cyst

n.粉瘤囊腫 - atheromatous cyst

n.前庭大腺囊腫 - bartholins cyst

n.膽囊 - bile cyst

n.膽管囊腫 - biliary cyst

n.乳腺藍頂囊腫 - blue dome cyst

血囊腫 - blood cyst

n.骨囊腫 - bone cyst

n.鰓裂囊腫 - branchial cleft cyst

n.鰓裂囊腫 - branchial cyst

鰓裂囊腫,鰓原囊腫 - branchiogenic cyst

n.支氣管囊腫 - bronchial cyst

支氣管原性囊腫,支氣管性囊腫 - bronchogenic cyst

n.支氣管原性肺囊腫 - bronchogenic cyst of lung

n.雛囊,育囊 - brood cyst

n.粘液囊囊腫 - bursal cyst

n.黃油樣囊腫 - butter cyst

n.鈣化牙原性囊腫 - calcified odontogenic cyst

n.陰囊鈣化性皮脂腺囊腫 - calcified sebaceous cyst of scrotum

n.腎盞囊腫 - calyceal cyst

n.頸部囊腫 - cervical cyst

n.巧克力囊腫,桑普森氏囊腫 - chocolate cyst

n.卵巢內膜囊腫,卵巢巧克力囊腫 - chocolate cyst of ovary

膽總管囊 - choledochal cyst

n.乳糜管囊腫 - chyle cyst

乳糜囊腫 - chylous cyst

膠樣囊腫 - colloid cyst

第三腦室膠體囊腫 - colloid cyst of the third ventricle

n.先天性肺支氣管囊腫 - congenital bronchogenic cyst of lung

n.先天性囊腫 - congenital cyst

n.先天性膽總管囊腫 - congenital cyst of common bile duct

n.先天性喉囊腫 - congenital cyst of larynx

n.先天性肝囊腫 - congenital cyst of liver

n.先天性包皮囊腫 - congenital cyst of prepuce

n.先天性頜下腺囊腫 - congenital cyst of submaxillary gland

n.先天性舌囊腫 - congenital cyst of tongue

n.先天性玻璃體囊腫 - congenital cyst of vitreous body

n.先天性垂體柄殘餘囊腫 - congenital pituitary stalk vestigial cyst

先天性肺囊腫 - congenital pulmonary cyst

n.先天性孤立性腎囊腫 - congenital solitary cyst of kidney

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