delightfulness[di'laitful]n.delightful的變形adj.令人高興的,使人愉快的,給人快樂的,討人喜歡的;媚人的,可喜的[亦作delighted, delightsome]
1.As to teaching period, the difference is observed in openness, extraversion, taking risks and delightfulness. 在教齡比較中,其差異體現在「開放性、外向性、冒險、宜人性」方面。
2.Its singular natural beauty, combined with its miscellaneous ethnic features, enhances its charm and delightfulness. 奇特的自然景色與多彩的民族風情交相輝映,令人陶醉其間。
3.The burdock never grows alone, but where there grows one there always grow several: it is a great delight, and all this delightfulness is snails' food. 這是它最可愛的一點,而這一點對蝸牛說來只不過是食料。在古時候,許多大人物把這些白色的大蝸牛做成「碎肉」;