alian. 艾莉雅(人名)
Alia 鄒艾莉;艾莉雅;另外的;其他;Ramiz Alia 拉米茲·阿利雅;Alia Shawkat 長卷髮型;長曲髮型;inter alia 其中;和其他的事物;尤其;在其他貨物中尤其;Alia Antoon 阿麗雅·安通;
1.More ancient sources in translation; useful collections of photos of Latin inscriptions and theatres inter alia; a few old secondary works on ancient Rome. 更多翻譯了古代資料;特別有拉丁碑文和劇院的有用圖片集;一些關於古代羅馬的舊二手資料。
2.In addition to Alia's teaching responsibilities, she will also assist in nanotechnology research - important research that could provide cures for diseases. 艾莉亞平日除了教書之外,也協助參與奈米科技的研究,這項重要的研究可能有助於找出治病良方。
3.The collapse of the C. A. Pacific Group, which operated, inter alia, securities dealing and margin financing businesses, added urgency and impetus to the study. 正達集團的倒閉令有關研究更見迫切。(該集團同時經營證券交易、保證金融資和其他業務。