





estimated attendance 估計入場人數;estimated cost of dilapidation 估計損壞費用;破損估計成本;Estimated Elapse Time 預計航程時間;EET Estimated Elapsed Time 預計經過時間;EST ESTIMATED 估計的,預計的;


1.Compared with only radar estimated result or only satellite estimated result, the combining estimated result is improved on the accuracy precipitation intensity, area and rainband. 雷達基本估算出了幾個降水中心,雨帶也與實況基本一致,但受監測範圍的限制,湘西北的大暴雨沒有監測到。

2.The atmospheric stability estimated by Bulk Richardson number exhibited more fluctuations in different seasons and years, compared with that estimated by Monin-Obukhov length. 相對於近地層尺度參數法,理查遜數法計算的大氣穩定度季節變化和年際變化均較明顯,而近地層尺度參數法則未表現出明顯波動。

3.The atmospheric stability estimated by Bulk Richardson number exhibited more fluctuations in different seasons and years, compared with that estimated by Monin-Obukhov length. 相對於近地層尺度參數法,理查遜數法計算的大氣穩定度季節變化和年際變化均較明顯,而近地層尺度參數法則未表現出明顯波動。

4.Liabilities are legal debts or obligations that are planned or estimated using a method of accounting called accrual accounting. 負債是用一種叫做權責發生制會計的方法來計劃或評估的合法債務。

5.The estimated useful lives and amortisation method of the intangible assets with finite useful life are reviewed, and adjusted if appropriate, at each financial year-end. 對使用壽命有限的無形資產的預計使用壽命及攤銷方法於每年年度終了進行覆核並作適當調整。


It has been estimated that if the bridge were packed with cars, it would still only be carrying a third of its total capacity. - 據估計,若橋上擺滿了汽車,也只不過是橋的總承載力的1/3。

and he estimated that there were more than 2,250,000 in one acre; - 他估計每英畝草坪裡有225萬多隻蜘蛛。

It has been estimated that the weight of all the insects destroyed by spiders in Britain in one year would be greater than the total weight of all the human beings in the country. - 據估計,在英國蜘蛛一年裡所消滅昆蟲的重量超過這個國家人口的總重量。

So the number of stars that we know exist is now estimated at about 300 million million million. - 因此,我們所知道的現有恆星數目估計約有30億×1000億顆。


estimated value - 估計值

estimated blood loss - 估計失血

n. estimated length of weld - 焊接長度估計

n. estimated length of weld - 焊縫估計長度

estimated hepatic blood flow - 肝血流量測定

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