gift-horse 價值有疑問的馬;贈馬;
1.Don't look a gift-horse in the mouth when they offer you any present. 請你不要對他們送給你的任何禮物吹毛求疵。
2.It was one of father's maxims never to look a gift-horse in the mouth. 父親的箴言之一是決不對收到的禮物挑毛病。
3.Refused to mediocre build quality -------- To my customers: Shenzhen is a dark horse with a certain amount of design development, manufacturing, sales of gift products manufacturing enterprises. ———-『拒絕平庸 打造精品』-——————— 致各位客戶: 深圳黑馬公司是具有一定規模的集設計開發、製造銷售於一體的禮品精品製造企業。