oxbridge edu 北京英華津橋;Oxbridge 牛津劍橋;牛劍;牛津和劍橋大學;牛橋;Sex Oxbridge 性愛牛橋;oxbridge edu 北京英華津橋;
1.The next day there was an immense excitement in Boniface College, Oxbridge. 第二天,牛橋大學的博尼法斯學院引起了軒然大波。
2.Thanks for sending such wonderful applicants to us! I hope that the University of Exeter & OxBridge have a long and happy partnership. 非常感謝推薦給我們這麼多優秀的申請者!我希望艾克賽特大學和津橋保持長期友好的夥伴關係。
3.The world's great business schools have replaced Oxbridge as the nurseries of the global elite. 世界上大量的商學院已取代牛津劍橋成為培養全球精英的搖籃。
4.He saw a party of roaring young blades from Oxbridge in the coffee-room of his hotel, and slunk away from them, and paced the streets. 他在旅館的餐廳裡,看到牛橋來的一夥年輕人在那裡大喊大叫,便趕緊溜走,跑到街上。
5.Some complained that even Oxbridge science graduates "just didn't know enough". 有些人埋怨,就算牛津大學的理科畢業生懂的知識也不夠。