submachinen. 子機
Submachine 密室逃離;子狀態機;submachine state 子機狀態;子狀態機狀態;submachine gun 衝鋒鎗;衝鋒鎗,手提機槍;微型衝鋒鎗;輕型自動槍;Submachine Gunner 比如炮手;SUBMACHINE GUNS 衝鋒鎗;輕型自動槍;
1.During basic army training, a sergeant was telling his group how a submachine gun sprayed bullets. 在一個陸軍基本訓練營裡,一個長官跟下屬解釋小型機關鎗是如何的掃射子彈。
2.It seems to be severely limited (e. g. the same submachine cannot appear in different orthogonal regions) and does not seem to account for obvious stuff like e. g. parameters. 它好像有很多局限(如中:同一個子狀態機不能出現在不同的正交區域中)且不能使用象參數這樣明顯的材料。
3.In July Mr Karzai pardoned five well-connected drug-traffickers who had been imprisoned for up to 18 years for attempting to trade heroin for two truckloads of submachine guns. 曾有五名交情廣泛販毒者分子本來因為用海洛因換兩卡車小型機槍而獲罪最高達18年。這些判決本來被認為是阿富汗禁毒歷史上具有突破性的成就。