Sunni Arabs Affect the Proqress of Iraqi Politics 遜尼派阿拉伯人對伊拉克政治進程的影響;Sunni Muslims 遜尼派回教徒;
1.A neighbour of ours is a Sunni woman who lost her husband to Saddam's Hussein's executioners. 我們的一個鄰居是一位遜尼派婦女,她的丈夫被薩達姆·候塞因處決了。
2.And with her trainer, a Sunni, (she's a Shiite), she has also sprinted improbably past three brutal years of sectarian killings. 人身威脅,安檢站,還有不到三個建築物後飛串的子彈。
3.But a grim and retributive mood settled over predominantly Sunni areas. 但在主要的遜尼派地區卻是感到一種嚴酷的報應的情緒。
4.Peace is shakiest along the "trigger line" that runs between the Kurdish and Sunni Arab areas in the north-east. 由於東北庫爾德和遜尼阿拉伯地區之間存在的一觸即發的「導火線」,和平局勢也因此不堪一擊。
5.All the Iraqi people -- its rich mix of Sunni and Shiite Arabs, Kurds, Turkomen, Assyrians, Chaldeans, and all others -- should enjoy freedom, prosperity, and equality in a united country. 全體伊拉克人民──遜尼派和什葉派阿拉伯人、庫爾德人、土庫曼人、亞述人、迦勒底人和其他各民族──都應在一個統一的國家中享有自由、繁榮和平等。