





r. thirdlyn. one-third ,third base ,third gear ,tiercea. 3rd ,tertiary


third[θə:d]num. 第三;三分之一adj. 第三的;三分之一的


Third 第三;三度;第三穴讓一擊;第三;third inversion 第三轉位;third estate 平民階級;第三等級;third wheel 累贅,電燈泡;摩天輪;電燈泡;電燈膽;Third World 第三世界;民族獨立國家;第三世界國家;最沒有性格;


1.The third tax is for the city. 第三種稅是向市政府繳納的。

2.The third stage, the spell system solutions. 第三個階段,拼系統解決方案。

3.Third, read an English article in China Daily every day. 第三、每天閱讀一篇《中國日報》的英語文章。


They are above average 85. I'm among the upper third of my class. - 我的平均成績在85分以上。我是全班第三名。

What's the third thing? - 第三件事情是什麼?

OK, Philip. This is your third cup of coffee. - 好啦 Philip。這是你第三杯咖啡了。

If we cancelled third world debt, perhaps those countries could start to rebuild. - 如果我們取消第三世界債務,也許那些國家就會開始重建。

This river is one third as long as that river. - 這條河只有那條河的三分之一長。

This is my third year of college, I'm a junior. - 這是我上大學的第三年,我是三年級學生。

Two dogs strive for a bone, and a third runs away with it. - 鷸蚌相爭,漁翁得利。

Two dogs strive for a bone,the third runs away with it. - 兩狗相爭一骨頭,第三隻狗銜起走。

Two quarrel and a third profits by it. - 鷸蚌相爭,漁翁得利。

One third of this area is covered with forest. - 這一地區三分之一的地方都是森林。

I think you're right!Isn't he her third husband? - 我想你是對的。他不是她的第3個丈夫嗎?

but on the third night, a storm blew up. - 但第三天晚上起了風暴。

I was being tested for a driving licence for the third time. - 我第3次接受駕駛執照考試。

It has been estimated that if the bridge were packed with cars, it would still only be carrying a third of its total capacity. - 據估計,若橋上擺滿了汽車,也只不過是橋的總承載力的1/3。

It was not until his third match in 1790 that he finally beat Humphries and became Champion of England. - 直到1790年他們第3次對壘,門多薩才終於擊敗漢弗萊斯,成了全英拳擊冠軍。

Everyone went to the funeral, for the 'ghost' was none other than Eric Cox, a third brother who was supposed to have died as a young man. - 大家都去參加了葬禮,因為那「鬼」不是別人,正是農場主的兄弟埃裡克。考科斯。人們以為埃裡克年輕時就死了。

We aren't able to supply the third ad fifth items. - 第三及第五項目,我們沒有貨供應。

The third item has been omitted. - 第三項目漏掉了。

On the third lap, the Class 3 and Class 1 runners both ran very fast. - 在跑第三圈時,3班和1班的運動員都跑得非常快。

About a third of the people who had been chained up below at the beginning of the journey were missing. - 旅程開始時拴在下邊的人大約有三分之一已經不見了。

The third person who lit a match started the fire. - 第三個工人擦亮一根火柴就引發了火災。


third degree a-v block - 三度房室傳導阻滯

maxillary third molar; upper third molar; wisdom teeth - 上頜第三磨牙

lower third molar; mandibular third molar - 下頜第三磨牙

repair of third degree laceration of perineum - 會陰度撕裂傷修補術

third trimester of pregnancy; thirdtrimesterofpregnancy - 妊娠晚期

third trimester of pregnancy; thirdtrimesterofpregnancy - 妊娠末三月

third trimester of pregnancy; thirdtrimesterofpregnancy - 妊娠末期

third degree prolapse of uterus; total prolapse of uterus - 子宮全部脫垂

pericoronitis of third molar - 智牙冠周炎

nervus occipitalis tertius; third occipital nerve - 枕第三神經

horizontal impacted third molar - 水平阻生第三磨牙

third law of thermodynamics - 熱力學第三定律

third stage of labor - 第三產程

third bacteriophage - 第三噬菌體

third type neuroglia cells - 第三型膠質細胞

third filial generation - 第三子代

third degree laceration - 第三度裂傷

third mental therapeutics - 第三心理治療

third heart sound - 第三心音

plicae transversales recti; third sphincter - 第三括約肌

healing by third intention - 第三期癒合

os cuneiforme tertium; third cuneiform bone - 第三楔骨

palpebra tertia; third eyelid - 第三瞼

third molar - 第三磨牙

third molar tissue retractor - 第三磨牙組織牽開器

receptor of third order - 第三類受體

third order aberration - 第三級象差

third position - 第三胎位

third ventricle of cerebrum; ventriculus tertius; vill - 第三腦室

third ventricle lesion syndrome - 第三腦室病變綜合征

choroid plexus of third ventricle - 第三腦室脈絡叢

choroidal branch of third ventricle - 第三腦室脈絡叢支

telachoroidea of third ventricle - 第三腦室脈絡組織

third ventricle ultrasonic hemodromometer - 第三腦室超聲血流計

third nerves - 第三腦神經

third peroneal muscle - 第三腓骨肌

tenosynovitis of third peroneal muscle - 第三腓骨肌腱鞘炎

third molar - 第三臼齒

phalanx tertia; third phalanx - 第三節指骨

third trochanter - 第三轉子

third space - 第三間隙

transcallosal third ventriculostomy - 經胼胝體第三腦室造瘺術

lingual impacted third molar - 舌向阻生第三磨牙

distal impacted third molar - 遠中阻生第三磨牙

byccal impacted third molar - 頰向阻生第三磨牙


n.頰向阻生第三磨牙 - byccal impacted third molar

n.第三腦室脈絡叢 - choroid plexus of third ventricle

n.第三腦室脈絡叢支 - choroidal branch of third ventricle

第三腦室膠體囊腫 - colloid cyst of the third ventricle

n.遠中阻生第三磨牙 - distal impacted third molar

遠端1/3 - distal third

n.第三期癒合 - healing by third intention

n.水平阻生第三磨牙 - horizontal impacted third molar

n.舌向阻生第三磨牙 - lingual impacted third molar

n.下頜第三磨牙 - lower third molar

n.下頜第三磨牙 - mandibular third molar

n.上頜第三磨牙 - maxillary third molar

食道中1/3 - middle third of esophagus

n.智牙冠周炎 - pericoronitis of third molar

n.第三類受體 - receptor of third order

n.會陰度撕裂傷修補術 - repair of third degree laceration of perineum

第三掌骨莖狀突起 - styloid process of third metacarpal bone

n.第三腓骨肌腱鞘炎 - tenosynovitis of third peroneal muscle

n.第三腦室脈絡組織 - telachoroidea of third ventricle

n.經胼胝體第三腦室造瘺術 - transcallosal third ventriculostomy

n.上三之一 - upper third

n.上頜第三磨牙 - upper third molar

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