journalese[,dʒə:nə'li:z]n. 新聞文體;新聞筆調
journalese 新聞用語;新聞文體;新聞英語〔貶義;新聞界行話;
1.As a kind of Journalese, news communication has become an absolute reporting form which cannot lack in the prevalence media. 通訊作為一種新聞文體,早已成為傳播媒介不可或缺的一種獨立的報道形式。
2.First, who says—or, in tabloid (this meaning coined in 1902) journalese (1882), who sez?The answer is the Global Language Monitor, a company based in Austin, Texas. 首先,這是誰說的?答案是,這是總部設在得克薩斯州奧斯汀的「全球語言監測公司」說的。
3.In light of the different text-types of the source language, the present paper focuses on discussing the application of puns in advertisement, journalese and jokes and riddles. 在英漢互譯實踐中,本論文針對源語的不同文體,著重討論雙關語在廣告、新聞、幽默謎語等體裁中的運用。