Nazi 納粹黨人;納粹;納粹黨人,納粹的,專橫的;納粹(複數);Nazi Deutschland 納粹德國;Nazi Agent 納粹的密探;SS Nazi 納粹士兵;Nazi Party 納粹黨;國社黨;德國國家社會主義工人黨;國家社會主義德意志勞工黨;
1.In court records, agents say they disrupt plans by two neo-Nazi skinheads to rob a gun store target an unnamed but predominantly African-American high school. 在法庭記錄中,官方稱他們是根據兩名納粹白人搶劫槍支商店並把一所重要的非洲裔美國人高中作為目標,從而破壞了這些計劃的。
2.In court records, agents say they disrupt plans by two neo-Nazi skinheads to rob a gun store and target an unnamed but predominantly African-American high school. 根據法庭記錄,兩個新納粹主義者計劃搶劫一個槍械店並襲擊一個沒有提及名稱的但非常有名的非裔美國高中。
3.Griffin was attacked as a racist, xenophobe, and neo nazi. 格裡芬被攻擊是種族主義,排外,以及新納粹。
4.Islamic fundamentalism is spreading throughout the Middle East, religious fanaticism is growing in America, neo-Nazi and other extremist movements are surfacing in Europe. 伊斯蘭教運動在整個中東逐步蔓延,宗教狂熱在美國不斷加劇,新納粹主義和其他極端分子運動在歐洲悄然進行。
5.The neo-isolationism, however, has encountered criticism from the neo-interventionists, idealists and even realists within America. 但新孤立主義遭到了國內新干涉主義者、理想主義者甚至現實主義者的批評。