nmnabbr. 煙酰胺單核甘酸(Nicotinamide Mononucleotide)
nmn 煙酰胺單核甘酸;NEW MEDIA NORD;冞匊寀;NMN pyrophosphorylase 釋義:NMN焦磷酸化酶;NMN Normal Mode Noise 典型態噪聲;quantity valuation request aUop NmN 數量估價申請;
1.In the base of deeply study of the features of NMN, this paper proposes an approach of fulfilling the recognition. 本文在深入分析簡譜特徵的基礎上,提出了一整套簡譜識別的實現方法。
2.The result of the experiment indicate the satisfying effect that achieved by using this method to recognize the NMN. 實驗表明,這套方法對印刷樂譜的識別達到了令人滿意的效果,是一項有意義的研究。
3.The result of the experiment indicates the satisfying effect that achieved by using this method to recognize the NMN. 實驗表明,這套方法對印刷樂譜的識別達到了令人滿意的效果,是一項有意義的研究。