pursed[pə:s]n. 錢包,小錢袋;金錢,財源vt. 皺起,縮攏
pursed 被縮攏的;pursed lip breathing 吹笛樣呼氣法;pursed-lip breathing 噘嘴式呼吸;唇呼吸;釋義:吹笛樣呼吸,吹笛樣呼吸法;expiration with pursed lips 聚唇呼氣;
1.Howard cleared his throat, pursed his lips and looked downward in solemn contemplation. The teacups kept right on twirling. 霍華德清了一下喉嚨,他緊閉雙唇,一臉凝重地往下看。「茶杯」仍舊不停地靠右轉動著。
2.Now the furrowed brow, saggy cheeks and pursed lips have gone. He has a clear stare, smooth cheeks, a slight smile and a noble nose. 而現在,那滿是皺紋的額頭、松垂的面頰和噘起的雙唇都消失了,成了目光清澈,面頰光滑,面帶微笑,鼻子高挺的人。
3.Happiness is a butterfly, which, when pursed, is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you. 幸福就像一隻蝴蝶,你要追逐它的時候,總是追不到;但是如果你要悄悄地坐下來,它也許會飛落到你身上!