





ball pen ball-point ball-point pen 圓珠筆;ball pen ball-point ball-point pen 圓珠筆;ball crusher ball grinder ball grinding mill bowl mill globe mill 球磨機;ball crusher ball grinder ball grinding mill bowl mill globe mill 球磨機;ball crusher ball grinder ball grinding mill bowl mill globe mill 球磨機;


1.We specialize in making a wide range of ball valves, brass ball, brass ball valve, ball valves accessories, ball valves manufacturers. 基元鐵工廠製造銅球銅球閥,球閥,銅球,銅球閥,球閥,不

2.Does the player incur a penalty under Rule 15-3 for playing a wrong ball, even though that wrong ball was played in mistake for a provisional ball which never became the ball in play? 這名球員會按照規則15-3,因打了一個錯球而被罰一桿嗎,即使那個錯球是錯誤的做為臨時球被打,而且一直沒有成為使用中球?

3.Our products include, ball screw assembly, linear ball rail system, miniature ball rail system, X-Y tables, ball spindles, slide spindle and slide guide. 滾珠絲槓副、線滾動導軌副、型滾珠線性滑軌、密十字工作台、動花鍵副、質鍍鉻導桿、線軸承、基合金滾動導軌等。

4.According to the different materials, Ball Joint Handrails can be classified Steel Ball Joint Handrails, Aluminium Ball Joint Handrails and Stainless Steel Ball Joint Handrails. 球接欄杆以製造材質的不同而分,例如鋼欄杆,鋁合金欄杆,不銹鋼欄杆等。

5.Our products include, ball screw assembly, linear ball rail system, miniature ball rail system, X-Y tables, ball spindles, slide spindle and slide guide. 滾珠絲槓副、線滾動導軌副、型滾珠線性滑軌、密十字工作台、動花鍵副、質鍍鉻導桿、線軸承、基合金滾動導軌等。


Sorry, I just like to watch almost all kinds of ball games. I'm strictly spectator. - 對不起,我僅僅喜歡觀看幾乎所有的球類比賽,我是個十足的觀眾。

I'm sorry to inform you that your application for ball has been refused. - 很遺憾通知你, 你的保釋申請書已經被駁回了。

Let's get the ball rolling. - 讓我們開始吧。

Please send us all the data concerning your Hero Brand fountain pens and ball pens, so we can introduce your products to our customers. - 請寄給我們有關你方英雄牌自來水筆和圓球筆的資料,以便我們向顧客介紹你們的產品。

Did you go play ball last night? - 你昨晚去玩球了嗎?

Do you have a ball point pen? - 你有圓珠筆嗎?

I know the boy whose father is a ball player. - 我知道那個男孩的父親是球員。

It's against the rules to handle the ball in soccer. - 在足球中以手觸球就是犯規。

Suddenly, one of the children kicked a ball very hard and it went towards a passing boat. - 突然,一個孩子狠狠地踢了一腳球,球便向著一隻劃過來的小船飛去。

The ball struck him so hard that he nearly fell into the water. - 球重重地打在他身上,使他差點兒落入水中。

He called out to the children and threw the ball back to the bank. - 他大聲叫著那些孩子,把球扔回到岸上。

After I had given her some money, she looked into a crystal ball and said: 'A relation of yours is coming to see you. - 「您的一個親戚就要來看您了。

at any rate for short periods -- that running, jumping and kicking a ball are tests of national virtue. - 至少在短期內如此 -- 跑跑、跳跳、踢踢球是對一個民族品德素質的檢驗。

Is there a ball under the table? - 桌子上有一隻球嗎?

Eleven. And we play the game with a ball like this. Is the game popular in the USA? - 11名。而且我們用這樣的球比賽。這種比賽在美國受歡迎嗎?

In our game we also have eleven players in a team, but our ball is like this. - 比賽中,我們一個隊也有11名隊員,不過我們的球是像這樣的!

Do you remember one afternoon ten years ago when I came to your house and borrowed a necklace of yours? Pierre, my husband, was working in a government office. We'd been invited to a ball at the palace so I needed to borrow some jewellery. - 10年前的一個下午,我到你家借過一條項鏈,你還記得嗎?我的丈夫比爾當時在政府的一個部門工作。我們被邀請參加一個宮庭舞會,所以我需要借一點珠寶首飾。

Mathilde! I've got some wonderful news. We've been invited to the ball at the palace. - 瑪蒂爾德!我有一個極好的消息。我們被邀請去參加宮庭舞會。

Four hundred! That's a lot of money. But, just this once. After all, this ball is very important. - 400法郎!這倒是很大一筆錢。不過,就只這麼一次。要知道,這次舞會很重要啊。


dual ball check valve - 雙球止逆閥

n. pitcher ball roller - 坡頂球輥

n. ball sealer - 密封球

intraatrial ball thrombus - 心房內球形血栓

intra auricular; intraatrial ball thrombus; intraauricular - 心房內的

auricular ball valve thrombus - 心房球瓣樣血栓

n. ball bearing die-set - 滾珠軸承模組

n. ball rolling - 球滾

n. ball size distribution - 球尺寸分配

ball flow meter - 球形流量計

ball valve - 球形瓣膜

ball thrombus - 球形血栓

ball valve - 球瓣

ball mill - 球磨機

n. ball sizing - 球篩分

n. ball sizing - 球經上漿

cornea; dark ball of the eye - 神珠

automatic cotton ball machine - 自動棉球製造機

n. ball sizing - 鋼球擠孔

n. steel ball number - 鋼球數

n. ball burnishing - 鋼球滾光


n.心房球瓣樣血栓 - auricular ball valve thrombus

n.自動棉球製造機 - automatic cotton ball machine

n.球膽 - bladder of a ball

軟骨膠球,軟骨素球 - chondrin ball

n.棉球 - cotton ball

n.神珠 - dark ball of the eye

n.雙球止逆閥 - dual ball check valve

n.卵球 - egg ball

眼球 - eye ball

植物糞石,食物球 - food ball

曲霉腫 - fungous ball

曲霉腫,真菌球 - fungus ball

hallus ball musculus - hallus ball musculus

n.心房內的,心房內球形血栓 - intraatrial ball thrombus

n.泥丸 - mud ball

n.馬勃 - puff ball

n.乒乓球感 - sense of crackling of ping-pong ball

n.消毒棉球 - sterilized cotton ball

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