tendersn. 投標(tender的複數)v. 投標(tender的三單形式)
TENDERS 招標、投標;公開招標;招標;Tenders Price 開標價格;Bar Tenders 酒吧服務員;Couleur Tenders 柔情萬種;legal tenders 法幣;
1.Interface with suppliers and cost control to develop cost effective and fit for purpose tenders, contracts and service orders. 作為供應商和費用控制的界面提供費用效率同時達到滿足採購需求的目的。
2.Selecting tenders is a large system consisting of multiple targets, multiple hierarchies, complex structures and numbers factors. 評標決策綜合評價是一個多目標、多層次結構複雜和因素眾多的大系統。
3.For open tenders, the Suppliers should read the tender notices published in the Government Gazette, the selected local newspapers and the website of GLD. 就公開招標而言,供應商應細閱載於政府憲報、所選的本地報紙及政府物流服務署網站的招標通告。