





n. attempt ,effort ,endeavor ,endeavourv. essay ,examine ,judge ,sample


try[trai]vt. 試圖,努力;試驗;審判;考驗vi. 嘗試;努力;試驗n. 嘗試;努力;試驗


Try 試試看!;試圖;手心手背;嘗試;Try again 再試一次;下次再試;再來一次;再發球;to try 試穿(試身);試圖;嘗試;Try This 試一下;給我試試看;試試看;try gauge 校驗量規;


1.He tried his fortune in another city. 他在另一個城市碰碰運氣。

2.You can do anything if you try! 如果你嘗試,你可以做任何事!

3.I try to explain it in brief. 我試著用簡單的方式來解釋。


OK. I will try her back then. - 好的,我到時再試試看。

I'll try to squeeze you at 2:30 p.m. - 你來如何?我會在下午2點半擠出時間的。

Please try to keep relaxed, sir. - 別太緊張,先生。

OK, OK- just try to calm down, sir. - 好,好,請冷靜下來,先生。

If I were you, I'd try one of the newspaper stands. - 如果我是你,我會到一個書報亭去看看。

I try to keep a regular schedule every day. - 我每天努力遵守有規律的安排。

Look, this way. Yes, that's right. Now let's try some of this chicken. - 請看,這樣。對,完全正確。來吃點雞肉。

Can I try this on? - 我能試試嗎?

Hey, don't try to rip me off. I know what this is worth. - 別想宰我,我識貨。

Let me try it on. - 讓我試試看。

Tomorrow morning at ten o'clock. Try it. - 明早上午十點。來試一試吧。

Tomorrow morning after lifting weights,I'll try aerobics. - 明早舉完重,我去試試有氧運動。

You will try to find the dog's owner. - 你們會盡力去找尋狗的主人吧。

Well, I'll try to arrange the schedule, Dr. Stewart. - 好吧,盡力去安排,Stewart大夫。

Let me try to work something out. - 讓我想個辦法。

I'll try to explain. - 我會盡量給你解釋。

Michelle, would you like to try the crab salad, too? Michelle - 要不要也試試蟹肉沙拉?

So I try hard to find opportunities for people like you. - 所以我努力為像你這樣的人尋找機會。

Let us try it! - 讓我們試試吧!

I'll try again. - 我再試一次。

It's all my fault. I'll try to make it up to you. - 這事兒全怪我。 我會盡力補救。

I guess we could try this another way. - 我想我們可以嘗試用另一種方法。

Will you please try to relax? - 能不能放輕鬆些?

You really must try and take more care. - 你一定要更當心一點。

It won't hurt you to try it. - 你不妨試試。

Just try to be patient. - 盡量耐心一點。

Would you please try to keep quiet at this hour? - 這麼晚了,你能不能盡量保持安靜。

Don't try and argue with her, women are all the same. - 不要和她吵,所有的女人都是一樣的。

Many people take tables or capsules to try and stay healthy. - 許多人靠服藥或膠囊保持健康。

Your work will get by, but try to improve it. - 你的工作還過得去,不過還得努力改進一下。

I'd like to try on these hats. - 我想試試這些帽子。

Don't try to brainwash me. - 別想給我洗腦。

I try to keep in touch with current events by reading the newspapers. - 我經常讀報以盡量瞭解時事。

Jean's mother warned her that men would try to take advantage of her. - 瓊的母親警告她,男人會佔她的便宜。

I try to be punctual in getting dinner on the table. - 我一向設法讓晚餐菜餚準時上餐桌。

We're working fast to try and make up for lost time. - 我們正加緊工作以爭取補償失去的時間。

Yes, we should try to contact more. - 是的,我們應該聯繫多點。

May I try it on? - 我能試試嗎?

I'd like to try on this sweater. - 我想試穿這件毛衣。

It would help if you could try to speak a little slower. - 請你盡量放慢說話速度。

Grand Central Station, please. I want to try to catch a 6:00 train. - 請到中央火車站。我要趕六點的火車。

I'm going to try to leave by 10:00. - 我爭取10點以前離開。

You're a very beautiful woman. You should try this one. I'm sure you'll be more beautiful than ever. - 你是位美人兒。且試一試這個,肯定會讓你變得更美麗的。

I try to seek alternative life styles. - 我試著尋求其他的生活方式。

To try to get rid of the lady - 想擺脫那個女人

Do not try to anticipate the answer. - 別預測答案。

Please try to focus your attention on the speaker. - 請試著把注意力集中於演講的人。

Please try to be congenial and welcome the guests with a small. - 請用笑臉愉快地迎接客人吧。

I can only try to justify what I did. - 我唯有堅持自己所做的事是正確的。

Please try to elucidate the facts. - 請清楚的說明事實真相。


n. try off - 驗箱


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